Delaware County, Indiana

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Earthquakes are sudden, violent shaking of the earth's crust. They are caused when then earth's tectonic plates move, rub, collide, or break apart. Earthquakes aren't predictable so the best practice is to always be prepared.

Before an Earthquake:

  • Put larger objects on lower shelves and lighter ones on the top.
  • Learn how to turn off water, gas, and electricity to your home.
  • If possible, have walls, chimney's, shelves, and hanging items more securely reinforced.
  • Bolt the hot water heater to studs in your walls.

During an Earthquake:

  • Get under a large, sturdy piece of furniture and hang onto it because you both can move during an earthquake.
  • Cover your head with your arms.
  • Be ready for aftershocks.
  • If you are outside stay away from powerlines, tall buildings, or anything that could possibly fall on you.
  • If you are in a car, drive slowly to a clear location. Make sure nothing is around that could possible to fall on you, and remain in the car.

After and Earthquake:

  • Check for injuries and care for seriously injured.
  • Listen to radio or TV for further instructions.
  • If you hear a hissing or a gas leak noise, turn off main gas. Leave house immediately.
  • Put out small fires if there is any.
  • Check home for damage.
  • Do NOT re-enter house if it has structural damage.

For more information on Tornado preparedness, please visit American Red Cross