Delaware County, Indiana

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Winter Storm

Winter storms warnings are reported by your local weatherman. They can be predicted with a reasonable amount of accuracy. Winter storms can bring lots of snow, sleet, freezing rain, sub zero temperatures, lots of ice, and even blizzards.

Things to know:

Winter storm:
Heavy snow and ice are very possible over the next couple of days.

Winter Storm Warning:
Severe winter weather has come to the area - Heavy snow and/or ice will begin soon.

Strong winds over 35mph along with snow that reduces the visibility.

Rain that falls and turns into ice before it hits the ground.

Freezing Rain:
Rain that falls and turns to ice once it hits the surface.

Before a Winter Storm:

  • Keep extra blankets, warm clothes, and a lighter or matches around the house. Know where they are located in case you have to find them in a power outage.
  • Keep extra fire wood around or know how to properly work your gas fireplace.
  • If you rent, make sure that you are familiar with the heating system and it is safe to use.
  • Stock up on extra food and water before the storm because the power may go out, or you might be snowed in for a few days.
  • Fuel your car before the storm.
  • Put extra blankets, clothes, ice scraper, extra food, extra water, and a shovel in your car.

During a Winter Storm:

  • Don't attempt to go out and get something. Once a winter storm starts conditions worsen quickly.
  • Keep updated on situation via internet, TV, or radio.
  • Make sure heat source is safe. Many fires are started each year via unsafe heating.
  • Keep anything 3 feet away from heaters.
  • If you are stranded in your car. Do NOT attempt to get out and go find help unless its within 100 yards.
  • Run the car 10 minutes each hour to keep warm, but make sure the tailpipe is not blocked or you may suffer from carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Display a trouble sign, usually a bright piece of clothing will do.
  • Use floor mats for extra insulation.
  • Keep circulation of blood within your body by moving around.
  • If you are with someone, share body heat.

For more information on family preparedness, please visit American Red Cross.