Delaware County, Indiana

Discover Delaware County - an east central Indiana community of opportunity

Mail Order Prescription Programs
Delaware County employees, retirees and dependents can lower the high cost of prescription maintenance medications through the DelaMeds program. DelaMeds is an optional international mail order program that will provide a large number of brand name, approved medications identical to what you already take. The cost of these medications is substantially less, and, therefore, the copay is $0 for all drugs offered through this program. Information can be found at:
CVS/Caremark Mail Service Pharmacy
Your prescription benefit offers you the convenient option to get 90-day* supplies of your long-term** medications delivered to you by mail. When you use the CVS/Caremark Mail Service Pharmacy to fill your prescriptions, you'll enjoy the many benefits it provides:
  • Added value - 24/7 access to pharmacists, alert messages by email, text or phone
  • Cost savings - one 90-day supply may cost less than three 30-day supplies at a retail pharmacy
  • Greater convenience - at-home delivery at no extra cost, easy refills online or by phone
  • Quality and safety - dedicated pharmacists checking each and every order

To learn more, visit or call the number on your Insurance Card. 

Additional information can be found at:
*Actual quanity may vary depending on the plan.
**A long-term medication is taken regularly for chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes, or long-term therapy.
Many retailers offer discounted or free generic medications that could save you money on your prescriptions. See the links below to find out what programs are available.